Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who I am and what I'm doing

I'll be honest.  I don't know if anyone will read this.  Part of me kind of hopes not.  Another part of me really hopes someone will.  Either way, that's not really the point.  The point is this: I think about things better and smarter when I have to put them in writing.  Set them out there so someone else will understand it.  Several years ago I did some blogging, and I was a more thoughtful person for it.

I'm writing this two days removed from the death of Osama bin Laden, and the discussion concerning the response to that was something I really wanted to participate in, and it's going to be the subject of my first substantive post, so I'll save my actual opinion for that post.  But here's the thing: I had no good place to put it.  Not to give it the space it's worth.  It deserves more attention than Facebook statuses and slogans, which is where most of the debate has taken place.  More importantly, my desire to write this down reawakened my desire to write in general to put my opinion out there, even if it is to no audience.  And I'd rather designate a spot where people know they are going to get my full opinion rather than put it somewhere on a social network site, which just feels like an inappropriate place for this kind of thing.  Although I'm sure I'll link this there every now and again.

With that background in mind, who am I and what's the point of this project?  First, my name is Josh Hitch.  I'm a white male in my late twenties from Kentucky.  I'm an attorney currently working as a public defender.  I'm trying to be a follower of Jesus, but what that means to me and what it means to most other people might not be the same.  Politically, I lean left as it is defined in the USA at this time.  This is a blog designed to post my opinions on various things that I find important.  It will be political at times, religious at times, delve into culture on occasion.  It's not a "how my life is going" update style of blog, although sometimes something that is happened in my day or life could prompt a post, but I'll try to have a bigger point.  It's not a theme blog, or a "here's something funny I found on the internet" style of blog, but again, if something funny I find on the internet evokes an opinion from me, so be it.   As I said, this is an opinion blog, so it's going to get into some hairy stuff.  I might tilt at a windmill or go after a sacred cow now and again.  If you're easily offended by something like that, you might want to turn away right now.

I'm calling it "Thoughts from the slope" after that area in the swimming pool between the deep end and shallow end.  As I said from the top, part of what I'm doing here is using the process of putting my opinions in words to sort out my own issues.  These aren't always going to be deeply held beliefs, well-formed opinions with extensive research.  I can't call them deep.  But I'm going to try not to be shallow, either.  I'm going to try to think things through as thoroughly as possible, and I'm taking this little project somewhat seriously, probably more seriously than one guy's silly opinion blog deserves to be taken.  I mean, for the love of goodness, I've written four paragraphs just trying to explain what I'm doing.  So, here goes nothing.  Stay tuned for the first substantive post concerning the death of Osama bin Laden and the national reaction to it.

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